Our Ashtanga Vinyasa Teacher Training is for existing ashtanga practitioners, or for teachers of hatha yoga with a 200 hour certification, who wish to immerse themselves in this approach in the service of their yoga community. Ideally you will have experience in the Ashtanga method and feel a deep longing to share its benefits with your students. Or perhaps you would like to gain experience and confidence in how to offer careful and individual assistance to your students with the tools of voice, demonstration, listening, touch and energy. The large portfolio of asanas in the primary and secondary series of ashtanga provide a rich seam to mine for all evolving teachers of Hatha Yoga, and this training will look at the specifics of assistance and alternative postures for about eighty asanas.
This course will support successful applicants in their learning through:
🌱 12 days of instruction from 7:30 am to 5pm daily in a non-residential capacity
🌱 The traditions and philosophies of yoga
🌱 Instruction from Emma Spencer-Goodier - a senior teacher, coach and yoga elder with twenty two years of ashtanga teaching experience
🌱 100 hours of Continued Professional Development in the teaching of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Method
🌱 How to offer a led, counted class practice and how to provide a Mysore style space for individual enquiry
🌱 The art of individual assistance - touch, alternatives postures, the use of props, voice and listening
🌱 Teaching of pranayama and meditation
🌱 Daily chanting
🌱 The art of holding transformational space
🌱 Ongoing mentoring - follow up calls and conversations to support you in delivering ashtanga
🌱 A community of like minded practitioners with whom you share a sense of belonging to a wider sangha of ashtangis
🌱 A small and intimate classroom setting - only ten spaces will be sold
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training & CPD
Twelve day intensive course - 1 - 12 June 2024
The Beauty of the Ashtanga System. When taught compassionately and with humility, the intelligence of the ashtanga yoga method is exquisite. A complete practice can be found within the choreography of asanas, the medicine of the breath, the mindfulness of the vinyasa system and the profound necessity for discernment. There is simplicity and a sweet sense of connection in the practice, and in knowing that wherever you find yourself and your mat, then there is most likely to be a community of yogis who share this with you.
The term Ashtanga Yoga derives from the Sanskrit words Ashtau means eight in Sanskrit, Anga meaning limb. Ashtanga Yoga refers to the eight limbs as taught by the sage Patanjali who was the first to systematise an approach to freedom from the mind through classical Yoga in his Yoga Sutras (200 BC).
Just as the Buddha taught the Noble Eightfold Path as a way to freedom, Patanjali envisioned a holistic path with eight components, through which the practitioner can reach a state of Yoga.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga was originally taught by Patthabi Jois from Mysore, India. It is a flowing, dynamic and progressing sequence of Asanas linked together by the thread of the breath and awareness. To help the practitioner steady the mind, specific practices, often referred to as the three anchors of practice, are integrated: Bandha (energetic intersections), Ujjayi Breath and Dristihi (gazing). The effect of this system is to offer a practice inclusive of all eight limbs of yoga - referring to Patanjali´s eight-limbed path.
Price of this course & payment conditions...
£2222 total - (£320 deposit)
Or a deposit of £320 and 6 subsequent payment of £320 over six months.
Pre-requisites for this course - an existing ashtanga vinyasa yoga practice for over two years, or a 200 hr foundation certificate in the learning of Hatha Yoga. A sincere wish to be of service through yoga and a willingness to commit to a sustained practice of svadhyaya.
The course is non-residential, however there is the possibility of camping in the garden of the yoga shala, or to take a room in the adjacent house. Camping is free. A room within the house is available on shared bathroom basis at the price of an additional £40 per night per person.